365 Days at Peking

24 Hour Party People

24 Hour Party People


And tonight something equally

epoch-making is taking place.


They're applauding the dJ.

Not the music,

not the musician,

not the creator,

but the medium.

This is it.

The birth of rave culture.

The beatification of the beat.

The dance age.

This is the moment when even

the white man starts dancing.





Welcome to Beijing.

3 comentarios

moli -

Mali, espero q hayas aterrizado bien,q hayas dado a la Pauli todos los besos q te encargue y que camines hacia el sur...Chula,echa un vistazo a, no quedan abonos de 4 dias pero si packs de V/S/D,mas barato q entradas sueltas.Me pierdo el concierto de Los Planetas,q es el jueves :((
T echamos de menos yaaaa

placida -

y donde son las raves ahora en beijing? ;)
hola maliya, encanto! Me he reenganchado a tu blog, del que me declaro fan total (o fatal) ;)

C -

wow bella seems u had a fantastic party. EXCELLENTE! We have crazy party on 30th June as well!! Come join us before u leave!! Miss u loadsss