365 Days at Peking

El Beso según Maupassant

El Beso según Maupassant

Do you know whence comes our real power? From the kiss, the kiss alone! When we know how to hold out and give up our lips we can become queens.

The kiss is only a preface, however, but a charming preface. More charming than the realization itself. A preface which can always be read over again, whereas one cannot always read over the book.

Yes, the meeting of lips is the most perfect, the most divine sensation given to human beings, the supreme limit of happiness: It is in the kiss alone that one sometimes seems to feel this union of souls after which we strive, the intermingling of hearts, as it were.




Therefore, my dear, the kiss is our strongest weapon, but we must take care not to dull it. Do not forget that its value is only relative, purely conventional. It continually changes according to circumstances, the state of expectancy and the ecstasy of the mind.




"The Kiss"; Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893)
  Imagen: Il bacio più lungo del mondo (BoB Marongiu)


2 comentarios

Isa -

By the way, tu has visto a chinillos dandose besitos en la calle? Ni en los bares dandose un besazo ni nada. Aunque... moment....prefiero no verlo. Digo.

Paulix -

Wapa!!! qué bonito lo del beso... pos si que es verdad.. nada como un buen beso!
Al final lo de China ná de ná.. conseguir arreglar preparativos para Bissau está siendo toda una aventura. Ex:Problemas para obtener el visado:en España no hay embajada y en la de Portugal los teléfonos llevan dos años sin funcionar (los cortó la compañía de teléfonos por no pagar las facturas...) qué te parece? jejeje